Exhale Gratitude

In my Tuesday morning yoga class, my instructor Anne Marie always ends with a reading that typically brings me to tears and then finishes with this powerful namaste phrase. 

"Inhaling acceptance and exhaling gratitude." 

In a year that has been consumed with chaos and confusion, this phrase has become my personal mission statement.  I thrive on and continue to seek out signs that our community demonstrates true acceptance of each other and others. And in this season of Gratitude, I am exhaling deep Gratitude this year for these four unusual but fabulous gifts I have received personally and professionally.


People who share and care. 

Sharing is caring. During this time of scarcity globally, I am grateful for those who still reach out to share the little things, from a couple of eggs, a helpful hand, their networking connections and their resources. People who share themselves nourish the spirit of growth and friendship, bringing out the best in our economy, all things business and personal realms that life others up. Not only does this build us up, but it enhances our sense of community and citizenship to maintain a strong culture of caring and sharing. 

For all the Chaos and Discomfort. 

Seriously, life throws us so many things and we are all so different. But the crazy and unexpected things that happen are the living reminders that heighten our Gratitude! Watching the US national debate reminded me of how happy I am to be Canadian. I can appreciate cold mornings because it allows me to savour the hot coffee in my hands more. Experiencing that frantic, frenzied feeling after a long, hard day helps me appreciate the beauty of that quiet, safe place to land with a dear friend. 

For the little things

This month I took a hiatus to go to British Columbia to stay in the city my daughter lives in while I have the opportunity to work and teach remotely. I worried I would be lonely or miss home, so I compiled a list of the "things" I missed from my Puslinch homestead. Ironically there were only three things on the list, and Rachel found it very easy to access those things for me (minus the dishwasher :)). Always look for the little things that spark joy in life. There is always a bright light or a bit of sparkle to keep us going. It's the little things that make us take a second look and notice. It makes us smile and can make our day. Perhaps it is in a kind word, a compliment or a sensitive message. 

The people factor

Coming back to what I missed while in BC for my extended stay, the real driver to get me home was the people I love and care about.  Commit to add some sparkle to every connection you have in work and life. Giving to others is the ultimate gift that boomerangs back to give our lives meaning. Always look for the extraordinary gifts that await us and from those we serve. Our purposeful work and a spirit of Gratitude goes far beyond the things or the circumstances. 

We have abundant gifts to be grateful for, and when we take the time to inhale acceptance and exhale Gratitude, we are left feeling a little more at peace than before. 

If you are going to rise, you might as well shine.

My yoga instructor taught me that. 

Thanks Anne Marie. xo

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