Kim Hussey Kim Hussey

The Power of Words

My friend Kellie asked me recently what my favourite word was. It was randomly presented and I resisted throwing out a bunch of those powerful linguistic go-to’s that I surround myself with in an effort to reflect my core values, life purpose and mantras for living.

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Kim Hussey Kim Hussey

Tips for Success

Powerful words which I heard in casual conversation during my recent trip to BC. This phrase stirred a little nervousness within me because if you read my last post, the word SUCCESS is the daunting word that is guiding my every moment. I must be successful. I can’t fail. This has to work. I want the thoughts to leave me alone for a while, let me breathe but yet they are always there, keeping me up at night, and distracting my thoughts during the day.

Since launching The Write View, I have been consumed watching small businesses around me, curious about what they are doing, how they are doing it and tracking my own little internal progress report on how successful I have been in comparison.

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